
Materialise Empowers Control of the 3D Printing Process

Materialise - Materialise, a global leader in 3D printing software and service solutions, announced its Process Control software for metal 3D printing and introduced the Build Processor Software Development Kit (BP SDK). The new solutions enable additive manufacturing (AM) users to take full control of the 3D printing process by using automated quality control and customizing their 3D printer parameters.

Quickparts Adopts Materialise CO-AM Software Platform

Materialise - Quickparts, a global leader in on-demand industrial production services, has partnered with Materialise, a global leader in 3D printing solutions, to leverage the CO-AM platform to manage their distributed manufacturing flows. The platform will support Quickparts’ traditional and additive manufacturing (AM) capacities and connect to existing production systems.

Manufacturing Breakthrough Creates Path towards Eliminating Waste in 3D Printing

Materialise - 3D printing is often considered a sustainable manufacturing technology but a new Lifecycle Analysis indicates that for large series of identical products, 3D printing has a bigger environmental impact compared to a conventional production technology. With the announcement of Bluesint PA12, a material innovation that makes it possible to 3D print with up to 100% re-used powder, Materialise creates a path towards eliminating waste in 3D printing.


14/05 - 16/05: Advanced Manufacturing, Antwerp Expo (B)

15/05 - 16/05: Advanced Engineering, Antwerp Expo (B)

15/05 - 16/05: Food Tech Event, Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch (Nl)

28/05: Industrie & Maintenance, Namur Expo (B)

05/06 - 06/06: Vision, Robotics & Motion, Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch

10/06 - 14/06: ACHEMA, Frankfurt am Main (D)

18/09 - 19/09: Kunststoffen, Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch (Nl)

08/10 - 11/10: Motek, Stuttgart (D)

15/09/25 - 19/09/25: Schweissen & Schneiden, Messe Essen (D)

08/10/25 - 15/10/25: K, Düsseldorf (D)