
Plug & Produce in de procesindustrie

Productivity.be - Met de toenemende druk om nieuwe producten snel op de markt te brengen en de vaststelling dat producten steeds kortere life cycles hebben, kijkt de industrie steeds meer naar Plug & Produce concepten om de flexibiliteit van installaties te vergroten. NAMUR, ZVEI en ProcessNet willen deze principes via standaardisering en certificatie ingang laten vinden.



Nan Ya Plastics and Taiwan Mitsui Chemicals Launch Market Development Efforts Focused on Biomass-Based Plastic Products

78 Million New Job Opportunities by 2030 but Urgent Upskilling Needed to Prepare Workforces

Extended voltage range and additional braking option

Application Park shows off diverse robotics applications

More AI and graphics performance for low-power SMARC modules

Siemens unveils breakthrough innovations in industrial AI and digital twin technology at CES 2025


31/03 - 04/04: Hannover Messe, Hannover (D)

14/05 - 15/05: Food Tech Event, Brabanthallen, 's-Hertogenbosch (Nl)

15/09 - 19/09: Schweissen & Schneiden, Messe Essen (D)

07/10 - 09/10: Motek, Stuttgart (D)

08/10 - 15/10: K, Düsseldorf (D)

10/03/26 - 13/03/26: TechniShow, Jaarbeurs Utrecht